Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union:

I watched the State of the Union Address last night, and though I am still a big fan of President Obama, I felt a real sense of sadness watching. As one side of the room regularly broke into applause, the other side sat with arms crossed, sometimes scoffing- sometimes looking at each other with disdain for our president. It reminded me of a bunch of middle school kids who are angry at each other for no good reason. They want to "win" even if it means the American public "loses." It's not about what the people want- it's about them. I was already depressed over the Supreme Court ruling that corporations can act as individuals where campaign contributions are concerned. We've become an oligarchy- just like that. Big money is completely in charge. So when I watched our president talk about going forward, and I saw the reaction of the Right, it made me sick to my stomach. How can anyone be against health care reform? How can anyone be against green jobs? How is it that all these people are so brazen as to put their own special interests before the interests of the citizens of this nation. The oil lobby wins. The pharmaceutical industry wins. The insurance companies win. And we lose. I'm afraid there's nothing President Obama or the few politicians who walk their walk can do. And it's so very sad to me.


Suzassippi said...

Thirty years ago, Si Kahn said he could not figure out why people were so afraid of 'the government' having too much control, and no concern that big business and wealthy individuals run the government.

Kathi said...

Amazing, isn't it? A whole lot of people STILL don't get it...

Betty said...

I agree also. I read in the paper today that Pres. Obama met with the Republicns yesterday and it was constant shouting and confrontations and all about party rather than constituents

Kathi said...

I had a mass email from David Axelrod with a video of the pres. meeting with the repugnicans that sounded positive- I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I will later. I'm sure the paper is probably correct though and that part was edited out...aack.

Kristinn said...

Great post, Mom.